< willowashmaple.xyz

By Willow (willowashmaple.xyz)

older blog posts


I might revise and republish some or all of these here, but the problem is that my thoughts and opinions often tend to evolve or shift over time. So for now I am preserving these Tumblr sites for the sake of historicity.


Copyright 2022-2024. Articles on this site may be used freely under the terms of the Cooperative Nonviolent Public License version 7 or the latest, whichever the newer (CNPL v7+). All other uses require the express permission of the author. See the contact page (on Gemini or WWW: willowashmaple.xyz/contact; on Gopher: gopher://willowashmaple.xyz:70/0/willowashmaple/contact) for email and other ways to get in touch.



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